Albino Garter Snake For Sale
Albino Garter snake Overview
The presence of garter snakes is ubiquitous. This is especially true in wooded areas and open fields. These are swift and graceful snakes with a striking look. Rare in nature, the Albino Garter Snake is the result of a genetic color morph. The sight of this snake in a backyard is VERY unusual. This unique snake is perfect for any collector!
Origin: The range of this species extends from the southern United States through Mexico and Costa Rica.
Length: male around 80cm / female 110
Age: between 6 and 10 years old.
They’re a bright hue with a bold checkered pattern. As a rule, the dorsal stripe is thin, pale, and hardly perceptible. The black patches between the stripes on the flanks form a type of checkerboard pattern and stand out starkly against the flanks’ beige, yellow, and brown scales.
The albino variant is distinguished by its light backdrop and white checkered pattern.
Albino Garter snake Care
Experience: Average for a started holder
Food: Live or dead prey. Main prey animals are amphibians, earthworms, insects, mice and fish
Feed adult: earthworms, insects, fish and mice. 2 times a week.
Feed young: cut into small pieces, rain worms, freshwater fish, insects. Almost every other day.
Water bowl: Yes big so they can swim
Change water: 3 times a week
Prey animals can be presented either living or dead. Dead food is a better option than live. This is the more convenient option, and it also protects your snake from the eating animal. As an added precaution, it’s best to feed your hose outside of the cage and use feeding tongs while presenting the food to the animal.
This keeps your hand out of the equation and stops you from reaching for it when you’re eating. If you decide to go with live food, you should watch while it is fed. This is because snakes with similar prey suits are more likely to attack and possibly consume one another. The perfect meal is approximately as broad as the snake is long.
Often used as a toilet as well as a place to drink and bathe, a large water bowl may accommodate all of the hoses at once. As the water becomes contaminated, be careful to replace it. They use the water for drinking as well.
Maintaining a clean home is essential for the well-being of your Thamnophis. This can only be attained via consistent cleaning of the facilities. A weekly cleaning is sufficient. The entire house has to be cleaned and disinfected many times a year to avoid the growth of bacteria.
The temperament of this kind tends to be mild and manageable. Yet there are a few cautions to keep in mind when dealing with. First of all, their vertebrae are easily broken, therefore you should never compress your hose when handling. The hose should rest easily in your hand. Make sure your hands are clean and you don’t have a food odor. Last but not least, never touch a shedding hose, and never touch a hose in the dark.
Minimum stay size for 1 couple: 80x 50 x 50
Surface area: 0.5 m2
Daytime temperature: 24-28C
Night temperature: 18-22C
Hours of light: 12 hours
Humidity: 40% -60%
Ground cover: Newspapers, humus or sand
There are certain supplementary details that need to be attended to before the stay. The thamnophis can fit through narrow openings. Don’t forget this and check for any cracks or openings that it may use to get into your digs. Having adequate ventilation to prevent stale air is also important, and so is finding a location that is shielded from the sun and as free of vibrations as possible.
Hunting method: Strangling food.
Way of life: Thamnophis marcianus are a day-to-day species. As compared to other types of pet snakes, garter snakes tend to be the most active. Garter snakes are nocturnal creatures that go out into their area in search of prey during the colder hours of the day.
While normally peaceful, garter snakes will run away from danger if they perceive it. If they can’t get away, they’ll make threats and resort to biting if necessary. Finally, garter snakes may defend themselves by emptying their anal glands, which also helps them to defecate. Because of this, an extremely foul odor is released.
Points of attention
It’s best to go with the little ones when shopping. Animals captured from the wild are frequently sick, stressed, and afflicted with parasites (both internal and external).
Sexing Your Albino Garter Snake
You may specify a preference for a male or female snake (or both) when placing your order, but please understand that we cannot fulfill such requests. We cannot promise that we will be able to fulfill your request for a particular snake or snakes, but we will do our best to do so by someone who is extremely knowledgeable about reptiles.
Shipping Your Albino Garter Snake
Guaranteed to arrive alive and healthy is our albino Garter snake for sale. Before placing a purchase, please review our guarantee information.
We retain the right to postpone your purchase in the extremely unlikely event of bad weather circumstances, since we sell reptiles, amphibians, tarantulas, and scorpions online responsibly. You will be alerted through email if this ever happens, and it is done only for the animal’s protection.
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