Pueblan Milk Snake For Sale
The nonvenomous colubrid snake Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, also called the Pueblan milk snake or Campbell’s milk snake, is a subspecies that lays eggs. It is often kept as a pet and may be found in a variety of colors due to its frequent captive breeding. As a possible defensive strategy, it can secrete an odoriferous fluid from its cloaca when touched.
Pueblan Milk Snake Lampropletis triangulum Appearance
Bands of red, black, and white distinguish the Pueblan milk snake from other snakes. An adult Pueblan milk snake for sale can grow to be between 36 and 48 inches long. Batesian mimicry, in which one animal looks like another to fool a predator, enables the Pueblan milk snake avoid being eaten.
When compared to other members of their species, these birds are easily identifiable by their broad white bands and the frequent black edging that appears on their red bands. The red in campbelli is also often more intense and vivid than in other subspecies. Light bands on non-morph Pueblan milk snake for sale are always a brilliant white with only a few tiny black specks.
Habits and Lifestyle
Crepuscular animals, such as Pueblan milk snakes, are most active just before dawn and just after sunset. When disturbed by humans, they become skittish and frightened. In the absence of extreme provocation, they are unlikely to bite.
Diet and Nutrition
The Pueblan milk snakes will eat whatever they can suffocate. Mice, rats, birds, lizards, frogs, and even other snakes, even poisonous snakes, are all fair game for these predators.
Sexing Your Pueblan Milk Snake
When placing an order, you may specify whether you would like a male or female snake, or a mix of the two, but please be aware that we cannot guarantee the sex. But, we can promise that a knowledgeable reptile expert will make every effort to find the exact snake(s) you ask for.
Shipping Your Pueblan Milk Snake
All Pueblan Milk snake for sale come with a 100% guaranteed arrival alive promise. Before to placing a purchase, we ask that you review our guarantee in its entirety.
In order to ensure the safety of the reptiles, amphibians, tarantulas, and scorpions that we sell online, we may have to temporarily hold your purchase in the extremely unlikely event that weather circumstances become unsuitable for their shipment. This measure is taken solely for the protection of the animal(s), and if it is taken, you will be notified by email.
Can you have a Pueblan milk snake as a pet?
How much does a milk snake cost?
Are Pueblan milk snakes good for beginners?
How big of a tank does a Pueblan milk snake need?
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