Showing 217–228 of 625 results

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D’alberts Python for Sale


Buy D'alberts Python Python albertisii

We have some stunning captive-bred D'alberts Pythons for sale at the lowest prices online. This medium-size species is also known as the White-lipped python. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Derby’s Woolly Opossum

  • Caluromys derbianus
  • Field Collected
  • Males And Females Available
  • Approximately 24 Inches In Total Length
  • Adults Can Grown Up To 28 Inches Weighing Nearly One Pound
  • This Omnivore Enjoys Fruits, Nectar, Insects And Even Smaller Vertebrates


  • This Species Has A Beautiful Golden-Brown Coat With Light Pink Ears
  • These Are Flightly But Not Aggressive, Best For Experienced Handlers
  • Feeding On Various Fruits, Crickets, Worms And Commercial Diets
  • Native To Central America Ranging From Southern Mexico To Western Ecuador And Colombia
  • Most Of This Species Length Is Its Prehensile Tail Which It Uses To Help Climb Trees And Balance
Hairy Desert Scorpion

Desert Hairy Scorpion


Desert Hairy Scorpion For Sale Description

Many of our Hairy Desert scorpions are available for sale at rock-bottom pricing. This invertebrate is known for its delicate hairs, which it uses to sense vibrations. Also, it is the biggest scorpion in North America, and it feeds almost exclusively on insects. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Desert Horned Lizard

We have some really amazing Desert Horned lizards for sale. This is an incredibly unique lizard that will eat crickets and other insects, but needs some ants in its diet. When you buy a horned lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee. Don't forget to purchase a jar of Formic acid powder supplement as Horned lizards require it in their diet. Just use the below drop-down menu.
Desert Iguana For Sale

Desert Iguana

We are offering a fantastic selection of Desert iguana for sale at rock-bottom pricing. These exotic lizards are a rarity in the pet trade, but they are well worth the wait. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included when you purchase a lizard from us.

Desert King Snake for Sale


Buy Desert King Snake Lampropeltis g. splendida

We have some flawless captive-bred Desert King snakes for sale at very low prices. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
desert side striped chameleon

Desert Side Striped Chameleon

Inexpensive Desert Side Striped Chameleons are now available. Species of this kind can be found on Mount Kilimanjaro up to around 2,000 meters in altitude. They are lizards that carry their young alive and devour insects. They are highly gentle and adapt well to captivity. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all purchases of Desert Side Striped chameleons.

Diamond Python for Sale


Buy Diamond Python Morelia s. spilota

We have some beautiful captive bred Diamond Pythons for sale at the best possible prices. These Australian ambush predators generally reach approximately six feet in length. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Dictator Scorpion For Sale

Dictator Scorpion


Dictator scorpion For Sale Description

Dictator scorpion for sale are incredibly rare, yet we have them available at a price that's surprisingly reasonable. This Cameroonian species, which may grow to reach 8 inches or more in length, is among the biggest scorpions known. One of our females is shown carrying young in her stomach in the image on the left. White buffalo among scorpions, we have a small supply of them available now. Don't pass up the chance to bring this magnificent species into your home. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Domestic Rabbit For Sale


Buy Domestic Rabbit Online

Lifestyle: Diurnal Habitat: Grassland Diet: Herbivorous Care Level: Beginner Rabbits have been domestic pets for over 200 years now, showing just how much people love these fluffy creatures. Rabbits are easy to care for and make terrific house pets just like cats or dogs. Rabbits are full of personality and show a broad range of emotions to their owners making their needs easier to understand. If you have the proper time and space to commit to a house rabbit of your own, you surely won't regret it!
Double Yellow Headed Amazon For Sale Online

Double Yellow Headed Amazon

  • Size: 15 inches
  • Lifespan: 60 years
  • Bird Species: Amazon Parrot
  • Colors: Green
  • Sounds: Vocal, Loud, Mimics, Talkative, Singing
  • Interaction: Social, Fun, Friendly, Cuddly, Affectionate, Playful
  • Comparable Breeds: Yellow Crowned AmazonMealy Amazon
Dragon Agama For Sale

Dragon Agama

At extremely low prices, we now have available several extremely rare Dragon agamas. These reptiles have elaborate patterns, and they do well in captivity. Don't miss out; there aren't many opportunities like this one. We promise that your Dragon agama will arrive alive and well if you purchase one from us.