Showing 229–240 of 625 results

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Dubia Roaches For Sale

Dubia Roaches For Sale

We provide an assortment of Dubia roaches for sale at rock-bottom pricing. Package delivery is never charged. We have searched high and low, and these are the best reptile feeders we have ever found. They can outlive crickets by up to two years, and they offer a ton of benefits over crickets (which we'll get into later). Pick a quantity and size that suits your needs from the drop-down menus. None of us are grownups, although we do have tiny, middle, and giant sizes. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is standard for all Dubia roach orders.

Ducorp’s Cockatoo

DESCRIPTION The Solomons cockatoo, also known as the Ducorp’s cockatoo, is a species of cockatoo endemic to the Solomon Islands.

Dumerils Boa for Sale


Buy Dumerils Boa Boa dumerili

We have some gorgeous Dumerils boas for sale at the lowest possible prices. These Madagascan reptiles attain a total length of approximately six feet and are considered some of the most docile boas in the world. Their patterns are incredible, and they make excellent pet snakes. When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Dumerils Monitor for Sale


Dumeril's Monitor Varanus dumerilii

We have a few fairly rare Dumeril's monitors for sale at unbeatably low prices. These are some of the most docile lizards in the world, and they attain a length of 3-4 feet. We’ve never witnessed this species even attempt to bite. The babies have beautiful orange heads. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.


  • Pachyuromys duprasi
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 4 – 6 Inches In Length 
  • Great Pets That Are Very Gentle And Easy To Care For
  • Beautiful, Soft, Tan And White Coats
  • Feeding On Seeds, Fruits, Vegetables And Occasional Insects
Dusky Headed Conure Parrots For Sale Online

Dusky Headed Conure

  • Size: 11 inches
  • Lifespan: up to 40 years
  • Bird Species: Conure
  • Colors: Green
  • Sounds: Quiet, Mimics
  • Interaction: Social, Calm, Fun, Affectionate, Cuddly
  • Comparable Breeds: Sun Conure, Jenday Conure
Buy Dusky Pionus For Sale Online

Dusky Pionus

  • Size: 10 inches
  • Lifespan: 25+ years
  • Bird Species: Pionus Parrot
  • Colors: Brownish grey
  • Sounds: Quiet, Natural calls
  • Interaction: Social, Affectionate, Fun, Friendly, Docile, Calm. Devoted
  • Comparable Breeds: Maximilian’s Parrot, White Capped Pionus
Southern Dusky Salamander

Dusky Salamander



The few Southern Dusky salamanders we have are going for a steal of a deal. These lungless amphibians grow to a respectable size, breathing air via their skin. When you purchase a salamander from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.  
  • Species: Desmognathus auriculatus
  • Origin:  Field Collected
  • Size: Approximately 4-5 inches
  • Natural Range: North America
  • Food: Earthworms, small crickets
  • Lifespan: Up to 15 years in captivity with proper care and setup
Dwarf Fischer's Chameleon for Sale

Dwarf Fischer’s Chameleon



We are selling several Dwarf Fischer's chameleons at a very reasonable price. This species maintains a size and temperament that make it easy to handle. They exhibit a wide spectrum of hues, from lime green to blood red, and make intriguing pets. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.
  • Species: Kinyongia boehmei
  • Origin: Farm Raised
  • Size: Adults reaching up to 4-8 inches
  • Natural Range: Africa. Kenya within the the mountainous regions
  • Food: Live insects
  • Lifespan: Up to 8 years in captivity with proper care
Dyeing Poison Dart Frog For Sale

Dyeing Poison Dart Frog

We are offering a small selection of stunning Dyeing Poison Dart frogs at rock-bottom pricing. Some of the world's most stunning amphibians belong to this group. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well. Do not overlook the addition of isopods to your terrarium in order to make it alive.

Earless Lizard

We have some gorgeous Earless lizards for sale at the lowest prices anywhere. These are beautifully colored reptiles that lack ear-holes, which comes in handy when they are burrowing in sand. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Red Wigglers For Sale Near Me

Earthworms (Red wigglers) For Sale

Our Red wigglers for sale are an excellent food source for amphibians and reptiles such as frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and aquatic turtles. Quantities ranging from 500 to 5,000 may be shipped right away.