Showing 349–360 of 625 results

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Jackson Chameleon for Sale

Jacksons Chameleon

We are have several stunning Jackson chameleon for sale at really low costs. These African lizards with their dinosaurian appearance have been imported to Hawaii. This species grows to a length of over 12 inches when kept in captivity, and it does quite well there. We even have pregnant women available, some of whom have as many as 20 children. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a Jackson's chameleon from us.

Japanese Kunishiri Rat Snake for Sale


Buy Japanese Kunishiri Rat Snake Elaphe climacophora

We have some rare Japanese Kunishiri Rat snakes for sale at really affordable prices. This species attains a length of three to five feet, and is known as an easy-to-breed snake. Also known as the Aodaisho snake. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Japanese Pond Turtle for Sale


Buy Japanese Pond Turtle Mauremys japonica

We have some captive bred Japanese Pond turtles for sale at affordable prices. This highly sought-after species is endemic to Japan and reaches a shell length of approximately 5-7 inches. It’s believed to have the ability to hybridize with Chinese box turtles. These turtles are active and tend to thrive in captivity.
Jenday Conure Parrots for Sale Online

Jenday Conure

  • Size: 12 inches
  • Lifespan: 30 years
  • Bird Species: Conure
  • Colors: Yellow, Orange & Green
  • Sounds: Vocal, Natural calls, Mimics, Loud
  • Interaction: Social, Energetic, Silly, Fun, Cuddly, Affectionate
  • Comparable Breeds: Sun Conure, Budgerigar Parakeet

Jewelled Lacerta for Sale


Jewelled Lacerta Lacerta lepida

We have several Jewelled Lacerta lizards for sale at incredibly affordable prices. These rare European reptiles can attain lengths of two feet, and are also known as the "Ocellated lizard." They can lay three clutches of eggs per year in captivity, and are incredibly beautiful and personable. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Jungle Boa (Columbian) for Sale


Jungle Boa Boa c. imperator

We have some gorgeous captive bred Jungle boas for sale. These snakes are descendants of aberrant-patterned Columbian red-tail boas first produced in Sweden. When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Juvenile Kinkajou

These Awesome Field Collected Kinkajous Are Docile And Playful. Are Always Up For Cuddling And Climbing Around.

Kenyan Sand Boa for Sale


Buy Kenyan Sand Boa (captive-bred babies) Eryx c. loveridgei

We have some amazing Kenyan Sand boas for sale. These are some of the most popular pet snakes in the world, and for good reason. This is because these snakes rarely grow longer than two-feet, are simple to maintain in captivity, and are generally quite handleable. When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
King Baboon Tarantula For Sale

King Baboon Tarantula

At very reasonable pricing, you may get one of our King Baboon tarantulas. The maximum leg spread for this species is around nine inches, making it comparable in size to the goliath bird-eating tarantula. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.

Kinkajou For Sale


Buy Kinkajou Online

Common Name: Kinkajou Scientific Name: Potos Flavus General Information: Kinkajous originate from tropical forests of central and south America, where they spend most of their time in the trees.  They can make an amazing pet if raised properly and from early on.  They love to climb and require a large enclosure with many toys for enrichment and mental stimulation. They are primarily nocturnal animals.  The average lifespan is 23 years.  Adult size is approximately 3.1 - 10 lbs. Diet: Kinkajous are omnivores.  Ours are fed a mix of fruit (excluding strawberries which some are deathly allergiv to), vegetables and protein. Price, $2,999.99 Permit:  A free, class 3 permit is required for Florida residents.
Knight Anole For Sale

Knight Anole

Here at our shop, you may buy a fantastic Knight anole. Because of their enormous appetites, these reptiles are among the most exciting to watch. We promise that your anole will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us.

Kune Kune Pig For Sale

Original price was: $699.99.Current price is: $299.99.

Buy Kune Kune Pig Online

Product Details
Incredibly intelligent, amazingly sweet, and won't root up your yard!  Adult size is 120 lbs - 300 lbs.