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Peach Throat Monitor for Sale


Peach Throat Monitor Varanus jobiensis

We have gorgeous imported Peach Throat monitors for sale at incredible pricing. These are beautiful reptiles that attain a moderate length. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Pearl River Map Turtle For Sale

Pearl River Map Turtle For Sale

At these incredibly cheap rates, we have a couple Pearl River Map turtles for sale. The shell of this rare turtle, also known as the Pascagoula Turtle, may grow to be about a foot in length. We promise that your turtle will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us. Get some of our super healthy turtle food for your new pet. We also sell high-quality turtle supplies.
Peters Banded Skink For Sale

Peters Banded Skink



Peters Banded Skinks are extremely rare, and we have a limited number available at a great price. These West African treasures look like enormous versions of the lizards known as Sandfish and share their insect-based diet. They grow to a manageable size (about 12 inches) and thrive when kept as pets. Till now, we haven't seen any really hostile specimens. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all skink purchases.
  • Species: Scincopus fasciatus
  • Origin: Field collected
  • Size: Approximately 7-11 inches in length
  • Natural Range: West Africa
  • Food: Vitamin dusted cricked, Meal worms
  • Lifespan: Up to 15 years in captivity with proper care

Peters Sideneck Turtle for Sale


Buy Peters Sideneck Turtle Phrynops tuberosus

We have a few captive bred Peters Sideneck turtles for sale at the lowest prices anywhere. These are fascinating reptiles who hunt and bask regularly. When you buy a turtle from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Pewter Boa For Sale
Pewter Het Pied Ball Python For Sale

Pewter Het Pied Ball Python For Sale


Buy Pewter Het Pied Ball Python Online

Pewter Hoffman Ball Python For Sale

Pewter Hoffman Ball Python For Sale


Buy Pewter Hoffman Ball Python Online

Pfeffers Chameleon For Sale

Pfeffers Chameleon

We are selling several Pfeffer's chameleons, which are rather rare, for a fair price. Cameroonian chameleons are an extremely unusual sight in the reptile hobby. They are colorful lizards of modest size. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every Lizard purchase.
Piebald Ball Python For Sale | In Stock Now, Don't Miss - Exotic Pet Reptiles For Sale

Piebald Ball Python


Pied Ball Python For Sale Specifications

Type: Recessive

First Produced By: Peter Kahl Reptiles 

Aliases: Pied

First Produced In: 1997

Availability: Common

We have some unique Piebald Ball Pythons that were raised in captivity and are for sale at crazy low prices. There is no other morph that looks like one of these. The amount of white on each snake is very different, which makes them unique. When you buy a python from us, you get our 100% guarantee that it will arrive alive.

Pied Pygmy Squirrels / African Dormice


Buy Pied Pygmy Squirrels Online

Product Details
Med - Higher white Pieds!  In store, and highly discounted at less than wholesale pricing!
Pink Tongue Skink

Pink Tongue Skink

A couple of our Pink Tongue skinks have been bred in captivity, and we are offering them for sale at great pricing. These skinks may grow to be two feet long and are surprisingly tame once they reach that size. They carry living organisms on their somewhat prehensile tail. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost with the purchase of any Pink Tongue skink.

Pink white Chinchilla For Sale


Buy Pink white Chinchilla Online

Pinkwhites are a white gene and a beige gene. They can throw standard, beige and white. They can have any random pattern and will almost always change colors as they age. They can go from light to dark or dark to light.