Showing 553–564 of 625 results

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Sunkissed Corn Snake For Sale

Sunkissed Corn Snake


Specifications ( Sunkissed Corn Snakes For Sale )

Sunkissed Corn Snake for sale are beautiful, and we have several that have been reared in captivity that you can buy at a discount. If you're looking for a reptile pet, this is the best choice. We promise that every snake you purchase from us will arrive alive and well.   Species: Pantherophis guttatus Length: 14-16 inches Diet: Live and Frozen-Thawed Fuzzy Mice
Super Giant Leopard Gecko For Sale

Super Giant Leopard Gecko

To our knowledge, our facility is the first to successfully breed Super Giant Leopard geckos in captivity. These lizards have specialized genes that allow them to grow to enormous sizes, typically weighing twice as much as a typical Leopard gecko. They're also quite tame and eager to engage with people. Being the offspring of the biggest Leopard gecko in the world, the Tremper, our Super Giant Leopard geckos have a unique and desirable set of genetic characteristics (around 13-inches long). We promise that your gecko will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us.

Super Red Tegu

  • Salvator rufescens
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 10 – 14 Inches
  • Adults Growing On Average To 3 – 4 Feet In Length
  • Feeding on Crickets, Worms, Cut Up Chicken Gizzards And Ground Turkey With Vitamin Supplements
Super Snow Leopard Gecko for Sale

Super Snow Leopard Gecko

Gorgeous Super Snow Leopard geckos are now available for purchase at very reasonable prices. Mack snows paired with other Mack snows produce this striking hybrid. Black and white coloring and a stunning linear pattern make this a highly desirable gecko. Mealworms and crickets are the perfect diet for them in captivity. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.
Super Spark Ball Python For Sale

Super Spark Ball Python For Sale


Buy Super Spark Ball Python Online

Surinam Toad For Sale

Surinam (Pipa pipa) Toad

We are offering a number of exceptional Pipa pipa Toads at pricing that can't be matched by anybody else. These stunning amphibians from South America are among the rarest and most fascinating species on Earth. They can grow to a maximum size of 8 inches, though 5 inches is more typical. Their bodies are flat, and they have a special pouch on their back for carrying eggs. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every toad purchase.

Surinam Red Tail Boa for Sale


Surinam Red Tail Boa Boa c. constrictor

We have some colorful Surinam Red Tail boas for sale. This species is growing in popularity within the reptile community. When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Tamandua Anteater

  • Tamandua tetradactyla
  • Field Collected
  • Approximately 12 – 16 Inches In Length
  • These Have Powerful Claws For Digging Into Tree Bark To Forage For Insects
  • In Captivity These Are Known To Feed On Fruit And Meat As Well As Insects
Tangerine Leopard Gecko For Sale

Tangerine Leopard Gecko

Beautiful Tangerine Leopard Geckos are now available for sale at very reasonable prices. Some of these geckos even have carrot tails to complement their orange coloring and little patterning. They are perfect for your next breeding experiment! The stunning pattern and coloring can be subtle or bold, depending on the lizard. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every gecko purchase.
Tanzanian Spiny Agama For Sale

Tanzanian Spiny Agama

Beautiful Spiny agamas from Tanzania are now available. These vibrant African lizards are the perfect size and shape for keeping as pets. Men tend to have more vivid coloring than women. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all agama lizard purchases.
Tanzanian Three Striped Scorpion For Sale

Tanzanian Three Striped Scorpion For Sale

We sell the Tanzanian Three-Spotted scorpion at bargain pricing. This Tanzanian invertebrate is on the aggressive side, despite its very modest size. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Termite Frog For Sale

Termite Frog

Several of these Termite frogs are quite rare, and we're selling them at an unbeatable price. These frogs, native to South America, are notable for their large appetites and vibrant patterns. In certain places, you could hear them referred to as the Mueller's Narrow-mouthed frog. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.