Super Red Tegu For Sale
Baby Super Red Tegu for sale (Salvator merianae), often known as the Red Tegu or Argentine Tegu, is a big species of lizard native to South America. Because of their bright red hue and gentle demeanor, they are highly sought after in the reptile trade.
Baby Super Red Tegus are typically 8-10 inches long when they hatch. However, as adults, they can grow to be 3-4 feet long. They are well-built and have a distinctive pattern of black and white or cream-colored bands on their body and tail.
Super Red Tegus are omnivorous, which means they eat both animal and plant stuff. Insects, small rodents, fruits, vegetables, and eggs can all be found in their diet. To ensure their health and well-being, they require a big and secure enclosure with enough heating, lighting, and humidity levels.
Because of its size and specific care requirements, Super Red Tegus demand skilled reptile keepers. Before considering one as a pet, it is critical to conduct research and understand their requirements. Furthermore, be aware of any local laws and regulations governing tegu ownership and breeding, as they may be banned in some locations.
- This Tegu Is 25% Black And White, 18.5% Blue, And 56.5% Red
- These Have An Awesome Array Of Patterns And Colors Coming Out Of The Egg
- These Bloodlines Naturally Occurring Out Of South America Ranging From Argentina, Paraguay, And Brazil
- These Make Excellent Pets And Will Become Puppy Dog Tame With Proper Care And Handling
- For Babies We Recommend A 20 Gallon Tank With Plenty Of Heat And Uvb Lighting
- With Proper Care These Tegus Can Live 20 – 25 Years Or More In Captivity
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