Showing 493–504 of 625 results

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Rough-Skinned-Newt For Sale

Rough Skinned Newt

Beautiful Rough Skinned newt for sale, often known as Oregon newts and Gold-belly newts, are now available from us. At one time, this species was widely considered the most popular newt on the market, but today, it is rarely found in pet stores. It has a powerful appetite and may grow to be eight inches long. They do best in water, although a terrarium will do in a pinch. We promise that your newt will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us.
Rubber Banded Frog For Sale

Rubber Banded Frog

We are offering several Rubber Banded frogs at a very reasonable price. This African species has rubbery skin and loves temperate conditions, thus the name. Approximately 1,500 eggs are laid by females. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Ruby Eye Lavender King Snake for Sale


Buy Ruby Eye Lavender King Snake Lampropeltis g. californiae

We have some beautiful captive-bred Ruby Eye Lavender King snakes for sale at rock-bottom prices. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Rudis Chameleon for Sale

Rudis Chameleon

We are offering a number of really unique Rudis chameleon for sale at unheard-of low prices. This species is easily handled and grows to a length of 6-8 inches. They have beautiful brilliant green and yellow coloring, and they birth live young. A unique gem that is hard to come by in the reptile trade. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost with the purchase of any Rudis chameleon.

Ruppell’s Fox

  • Vulpes pallida
  • Farm Bred
  • Males & Females Available
  • Kits Are Roughly 6 – 8 Weeks Old And Approximately 10-15 Months For The Subadults & Adults In Age. Max Size: 4lbs
  • These Are Adorable Never Before Seen Mammals, With Gorgeous Sand Yellow Toned Fur And A Black Tipped Tail
  • Voracious Little Hunters Feeding On A Basic Raw Diet Consisting Of Chicken Hearts, Beef Livers, And Small Amounts Of Mazuri Feline Diet
Russian Tortoise For Sale | In Stock Now - Exotic Pet Reptiles For Sale

Russian Tortoise



We have a number of Russian tortoises for sale at incredibly low prices. This social animal stays small, reaching only 6" to 8" in length. In our experience, this species of tortoise is the most hardy tortoise in the world. They usually do very well as pets, live for a very long time, and don't need much care. As long as it doesn't get too cold (below 25F) and insulated hiding places are provided, they can live outside all year long. When you buy a tortoise from us, you get our 100% live arrival guarantee. Don't forget to get your new pet some of our incredibly healthy tortoise food.  
  • Species: (Testudo horsfieldii)
  • Origin:  Farm Bred
  • Size: Approximately 4-6 inches. Adults reaching between 7-10 inches
  • Natural Range: Eastern Europe. Predominately Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran
  • Food: Fresh vegetables
  • Lifespan: Up to 50 years in captivity with proper care
sahel chameleon for sale

Sahel Chameleon

Sahel chameleons reared in captivity are available from us at bargain prices. Although this species' reputation for beauty and longevity precedes it in the reptile trade, you won't find it very often. They may grow to be 18-20 inches long and eat virtually everything they can get their teeth around. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all Sahel chameleon purchases.
Sailfin Chameleon For Sale

Sailfin Chameleon

Amazing Sailfin chameleons are on sale now, and you can save a ton of money. These stunning lizards are a must-have for every herp enthusiast due to their enormous crest. This species is extremely uncommon in the United States but thrives in zoos and aquariums. The male casque is surrounded by a turquoise blue ring. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.

Sailfin Dragon for Sale


Sailfin Dragon Hydrosaurus weberi/amboinensis

We have some extremely healthy Sailfin Dragons for sale. These unique reptiles appear to be straight out of Jurassic Park with their large size and impressive dorsal crest. If you're looking for something unique, this species fits the bill. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Sambava Panther Chameleon for Sale

Sambava Panther Chameleon

Here at our facility, we have bred several fantastic Sambava Panther chameleons in captivity, and they are now available for sale. Rare and highly pigmented, these chameleons are a sight to behold. They consume a lot of food and develop rapidly, reaching an adult length of approximately 18 inches. In general, their placid nature makes them great reptile pets. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.

Sapphire Chinchilla For Sale


Buy Sapphire Chinchilla Online

Sapphire is a dilute gene on a standard gray chinchilla. It makes the fur shaft clear so the bluer the chinchilla the bluer the sapphire appears. Sapphire is also a recessive, both parents must carry the genes to have a sapphire baby. Sapphires can be distinguished from Blue Diamonds by the presence of barring in the fur. The barring makes Sapphire appear speckled in poorly barred chins. Over the last decade I have been working tirelessly to create a smooth looking blue sapphire and have come a long way towards that goal. There will be no black anywhere on a sapphire, if yours has a black stripe up the bottom of the tail you likely have a light standard gray.

Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko for Sale


Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko Uroplatus phantasticus

We have a few Satanic Leaf-tailed geckos for sale at the best possible prices. These ultra rare Madagascan geckos attain an adult size of approximately six inches. These are one of the most sought-after reptiles in the world. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.