Are you an online shopper searching for the best place to buy reptiles for sale near you? If so, you may have just stumbled upon the best website to buy reptiles online. Raising, breeding and offering reptiles for sale to the public is what we have focused on for nearly three decades. As you browse our website you will realize why we are one of the top sites on the Internet. We have become known as an industry leader when it comes to quality reptiles and reptile supplies online. Finding quality reptiles for sale is only the first step in your search for the perfect exotic pet. Now that you have found us you will be happy to know we offer a live arrival guarantee, our animals (Crocodilians for sale, Feeder insects for sale, Feeder lizards for sale, Frogs for sale, Insects for sale, Lizards for sale, Newts for sale, Salamanders for sale, Scorpions for sale, Snakes for sale, Tarantulas for sale, Toads for sale, Tortoises for sale, Turtles for sale) are healthy, pest free, and properly sexed.
Rubber Banded Frog
We are offering several Rubber Banded frogs at a very reasonable price. This African species has rubbery skin and loves temperate conditions, thus the name. Approximately 1,500 eggs are laid by females. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Blue Bottle Fly Larvae For Sale
$24.99 – $49.99
Blue Bottle fly spikes (larvae) are available here at an unbelievable price. These feeders, which at first glance resemble little waxworms, may be stored for up to 30 days in the refrigerator at 33F-35F. At room temperature, they will rapidly develop into large, meat-eating flies. When it comes to feeder flies, these are the best there are.

Florida Millipede
You may get cheap Florida millipedes from us. These gentle giants may grow to a length of 12 inches and thrive on plant materials. We promise that your millipede will arrive alive and well when you buy one from us.

Sky Island Blue Centipede
We are now selling some stunning blue centipedes from Sky Island at very reasonable prices. The striking blue colour of this species has earned it another common name: the Blue tiger centipede. Their length of four to five inches is impressive. When you purchase a centipede from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Iranian Kaiser Newt
$149.99 – $279.99
Captive-bred Iranian Kaiser newts are available in great numbers and at great prices from us. Here is your chance to get not just the rarest newt in the planet but also one of the most stunningly patterned animals ever. They are native to an area in Iran about 10 square kilometers and are known for their resilience. Blackworms, earthworms, waxworms, and mealworms make up a large portion of their diet, and they thrive in either an aquatic or terrestrial environment. Every single newt we sell comes with a guarantee that it will arrive alive and well.

Tanzanian Three Striped Scorpion For Sale
We sell the Tanzanian Three-Spotted scorpion at bargain pricing. This Tanzanian invertebrate is on the aggressive side, despite its very modest size. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Wahlberg’s Burrowing Scorpion For Sale
We have a large number of Wahlbergs Burrowing scorpions available for sale. The Tri-color is another name for this South African invertebrate, which is of medium size. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Southern Two-lined Salamander
We are currently offering a small number of intriguing Southern Two-lined salamanders at the lowest prices you'll find elsewhere on the web. In addition to being cute and interesting, these amphibians are also rather tiny. All of the salamanders we sell come with a 100% guaranteed arrival of their original lives.

Reimanns Snakeneck Turtle For Sale
$12.99 – $799.99
We have Reimann's Snake necked turtles for sale that have been produced in captivity and the prices are ridiculous! These exotic reptiles stand out with their elaborate markings and very lengthy necks. In the wild, they have been observed eating mollusks. We promise that your turtle will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us. Get some of our super healthy turtle food for your new pet. We also sell high-quality turtle supplies.
Olive Keeled Flat Rock Scorpion
At this time, we have a number of Olive Keeled Flat Rock scorpions for sale at deeply discounted rates. Females are shorter than males, yet both sexes of this invertebrate are the longest scorpions on Earth. Their flat bodies enable them to squeeze into tight spaces. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Forest Hingeback Tortoise
$12.99 – $149.99
We are selling a few amazing Forest Hingeback tortoises for a very low price. This species, which is about average in size, is native to Africa, where it eats vegetation and is a great swimmer. When you buy a tortoise from us, you get our 100% live arrival guarantee. Don't forget to get your new pet some of our incredibly healthy tortoise food.
Gooty Sapphire Tarantula For Sale
We have for sale a number of extremely rare Gooty Sapphire Ornamental tarantulas. This spider, commonly known as the Peacock Parachute spider, is considered the best of the best when it comes to tarantulas. This stunning species of tree-dwelling Indian native can capture its food without a web, sometimes while its victim is in mid-flight. Blue and yellow hues emerge in gooey sapphires. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every tarantula purchase.
We have combined 10 years of reptile husbandry and breeding expertise to put together a fantastic array of exotic reptiles for sale. This includes several species of snakes (such as; Ball Pythons for Sale, Boas for Sale, Corn Snakes for Sale, Garter Snakes for Sale, King Snakes for Sale, Milk Snakes for Sale, Other Snakes for Sale, Pythons for Sale, Rat Snakes for Sale) ,lizards,(such as; Agamas for Sale, Anoles for Sale, Bearded Dragons for Sale, Chameleons for Sale, Geckos for Sale, Iguanas for Sale, Leopard Geckos for Sale, Monitor Lizards for Sale, Other Lizards for Sale, Skinks for Sale, Uromastyx for Sale) and tortoises. We also have a large selection of ball pythons and boas as well as many other reptile species that are sourced daily from some of the best breeders around the country and the world. We strive to offer quality animals at the lowest prices online to the public combined with the lowest possible shipping rate in the business. We incorporate the latest technology to bring you a pleasant and secure online reptile shopping experience. Our mission is to bring our customers exotic reptiles for sale online and become the premier online reptile store. We plan on achieving this by treating our animals as well as we treat our customers, with patience and care. We strive to bring you excellent quality, outstanding service and a large selection of exotic reptile pets and reptile supplies.

African House Snake for Sale
Buy African House Snake Lamprophis fuliginosus
We have some African House snakes for sale at incredibly low prices. This species is very easily bred, and can produce a clutch of eggs every 60 days if allowed! Females of this species are generally almost twice the size of males. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Granite Burmese Python
We are offering the lowest pricing on the web for some extremely uncommon captive-bred Granite Burmese Pythons. This snake may grow rather long, has a robust build, striking patterns, and an exceptionally tame temperament. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all python purchases.
- Species:Â Python bivittatus
- Origin:Â Captive Bred in the US
- Size:Â Â Adults reaching 12-18 feet
- Natural Range:Â Native to Southeast Asia
- Food:Â Frozen thawed mice
- Lifespan:Â Up to 25 years in captivity with proper care.
False Water Cobra
We have some False Water Cobras for sale at rock-bottom pricing. These snakes are venomous, although the extent of potency is currently unknown. Purchases should only be made by experienced hobbyists. They prefer frogs and lizards as prey. When you buy a cobra from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.

Desert King Snake for Sale
Buy Desert King Snake Lampropeltis g. splendida
We have some flawless captive-bred Desert King snakes for sale at very low prices. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.FemaleMale

Tiger Reticulated Python for Sale
Buy Tiger Reticulated Python Python reticulatus
We have beautiful captive-bred Tiger Reticulated Pythons for sale at the single lowest price online. This is a morph of the regular Retic, and attains the same size, but does have a more mild demeanor. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.FemaleMale

Thayers King Snake for Sale
Buy Thayers King Snake Lampropeltis m. thayeri
We have some rare captive-bred Thayers King snakes for sale at affordable prices. This species also goes by the name "Variable" kingsnake. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Yellow Rat Snake
Yellow rat snake for sale are available from us at deeply discounted rates. This energetic animal is one of the most common pets in the world, with adults reaching lengths of 4 to 6 feet. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a Yellow Rat snake from us.

Black Albino Motley Corn Snake for Sale
Buy Black Albino Motley Corn Snake Elaphe g. guttata
We have a few perfect captive-bred Black Albino Motley Corn snakes for sale at affordable prices. When you buy a snake from us, you receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.FemaleMale

Dumerils Boa for Sale
Buy Dumerils Boa Boa dumerili
We have some gorgeous Dumerils boas for sale at the lowest possible prices. These Madagascan reptiles attain a total length of approximately six feet and are considered some of the most docile boas in the world. Their patterns are incredible, and they make excellent pet snakes. When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.FemaleMale

White Albino Reticulated Python for Sale
Buy White Albino Reticulated Python Python reticulatus
We have some captive-bred White Albino Reticulated Pythons for sale at the lowest price around. The longest snake in the world, this asian behemoth reaches truly mammoth sizes. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Yellow Belly Ball Python For Sale
Attractive Yellow-Bellied Ball Pythons, bred in captivity, are now available for a steal of a price. Ivories are the offspring of these morphs, so named for their distinctively yellow underbellies. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included free of charge with every python purchase.
We negotiated one of the lowest possible shipping rates available within our industry and pass those savings on to you, our loyal customers. We utilize FedEx as our overnight shipping carrier for our live reptile pet deliveries. By using reinforced insulated cardboard containers with heating and cooling elements as needed we ensure the live arrival of your new reptile pet. When possible, your reptile supplies will accompany your reptile pet purchase. When not possible, they will be shipped simultaneously via USPS. Our reptiles for sale and reptile supplies ship across the U.S. based on each states’ animal welfare laws. Click for more shipping info.
Blue Axanthic Iguana
Beautiful captive-bred Blue Axanthic iguanas are now available for a reasonable price. The blue coloration of these iguanas deepens and brightens with age. The maintenance requirements for these iguanas are identical to those for Green iguanas, and they grow to similarly massive proportions. Do not pass up the opportunity to own one of these incredible reptiles; they are true show stoppers. Rarely can you find them for sale. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every lizard purchase. We also have green iguanas and red iguanas available.- Species: Iguana Iguana
- Origin:Â Captive Born Babies
- Size: Babies. Adults can reach up to 5 feet.
- Natural Range:Â South Mexico to South America
- Food: Vegetables
- Lifespan: 15-20 years
Albino Leopard Gecko
$39.99 – $99.99
Elegant Albino Leopard Geckos are now available from our store at unbeatable prices. Even though they lack black pigment and frequently have red eyes, these lizards are among the most sought-after pets in the world. It's no secret that this morph has exploded in popularity among hobbyists and breeders alike. We promise that your gecko will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us.- Species: Eublepharis Macularius
- Origin: Captive Bred
- Size: Adults reaching between 8-10 inches
- Natural Range: Dry and rocky terrain. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India
- Food: Vitamin dusted crickets & mealworms
- Lifespan: Up to 10- 20 to years in captivity with proper care
Shield Tailed Agama
Here at our shop, you may find rare Shield Tailed agamas at an unbeatable price. These weird tiny lizards resemble uromastyxes in appearance, right down to the blunt, spiky tail. Extremely scarce in the reptile trade. We promise that your agama will arrive alive and well if you decide to purchase one from us.
Spiderman Agama
$39.99 – $49.99
Some fantastically vibrant Spiderman agamas are now available. These lizards, especially the males, have the most stunning bright red and blue coloring. These lizards may devour hundreds of insects in one sitting. We guarantee the safe shipment of any Spiderman agama you purchase from us.
Cuban False Chameleon
$135.99 – $295.99
- Species:Â Anolis barbatus
- Origin: Captive Born
- Size: Adults reaching up to 12 inches
- Natural Range: Cuba
- Food: Live insects
- Lifespan: Up to 5-7 years in captivity with proper care and setup
Peters Banded Skink
Peters Banded Skinks are extremely rare, and we have a limited number available at a great price. These West African treasures look like enormous versions of the lizards known as Sandfish and share their insect-based diet. They grow to a manageable size (about 12 inches) and thrive when kept as pets. Till now, we haven't seen any really hostile specimens. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all skink purchases.- Species:Â Scincopus fasciatus
- Origin: Field collected
- Size:Â Approximately 7-11 inches in length
- Natural Range: West Africa
- Food: Vitamin dusted cricked, Meal worms
- Lifespan: Up to 15 years in captivity with proper care

Red Niger Uromastyx for Sale
Red Niger Uromastyx Uromastyx geyri
We have healthy Red Niger uromastyx for sale at extremely affordable pricing. These uros have beautiful red coloration. When you buy a uromastyx from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.FemaleMale

Argus Monitor for Sale
Argus Monitor Varanus panoptes
We have a few perfect captive bred Argus monitors for sale at the lowest online prices. Feeding these lizards is always an event as they are absolutely ravenous eating machines. Females attain a length of around three feet, while males can reach lengths of four or even five feet. This species generally breeds readily in captivity and can produce eggs within one year of hatching. When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Baby Albino Purple Ice Tegu
- Salvator Merianae X Salvator Rufescens
- Captive Bred
- Approximately 8 – 10 Inches From Head To Tail
- Adults Will Average In Sizes Around 3-4 Feet In Length
- Feeding On Crickets, Superworms, Hornworms, Roaches, Cut Up Gizzards And A Bit Of Ground Turkey
Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
$109.99 – $199.99
At our store, you can get a wide variety of pristine Red eyed Crocodile skink for sale. These unusual lizards are quickly gaining popularity as reptile pets and breeding initiatives. Our 100% live arrival guarantee applies to all skink purchases.
Three Horned Chameleon
We have a number of perfect Three Horned Chameleons available for sale at pricing that can't be beaten. These sluggish reptiles grow to a respectable 18 inches in length and are not as skittish as some other species. The chameleon society places a great value on them, and they do well when kept as pets. Horns become very long on males. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every chameleon purchase.
Silver Flame Tegu (Anery Red x Black & White)
Silver Flame Tegu For Sale Silver Flame Tegu (Anery Red x Black & White)
Our online reptile store was developed with you the user in mind. We developed our site to aid our customers in finding and purchasing products fast and easy. With technology advancements, we understand that to buy reptiles online shoppers need to have an enjoyable shopping experience. This experience must span across mobile devices, tablets as well as laptops. is responsive across mobile devices to ensure shoppers have an easy and enjoyable online shopping experience. Our online reptile store is secured with an SSL Certificate (Secured Socket Layer) to protect your information. Our easy to use one-page checkout is convenient, secure and safe. These layers of security and payment features aid our customers feeling secure. Shoppers can pay securely with debit, credit cards, PayPal and even a pay over time option. This leave our customers feeling safe and confident about their purchases with us. Check out our “Privacy Policy” for more info.
Mossy Frog
We are offering some truly outstanding Vietnamese Mossy frogs at rock-bottom pricing. These frogs are intriguing because of the tuberculous knobs that cover their bodies. They may grow to a length of about three inches (from beak to tail). Amazing amphibians from all across the globe. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Solomon Island Leaf Frog
- Species:Â Ceratobatrachus guentheri)
- Origin:Â Captive Bred
- Size: Adults reaching up to 2.5-5 inches
- Natural Range: Solomon Islands
- Food: Crickets
- Lifespan: Up to 10 years in captivity with proper care
Waxy Monkey Tree Frog
$89.99 – $189.99
- Species:Â Phylomedusa sauvagii
- Origin: Field Collected
- Size: Adults reaching 4-5 inches
- Natural Range: South America, Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay
- Food: Crickets and various insects
- Lifespan: Up to 10 years in captivity with proper care and setup
Gray Tree Frog
Gray Tree Frogs are available for sale, and they are in fantastic condition. North American toads are still rather diminutive. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Rain Frog for Sale
Buy Mozambique Rain Frog Breviceps mossambicus
We have a few ultra rare Rain frogs for sale in limited quantities. This frog is a masterpiece of comical uniqueness, with it’s hilarious movement and squeaking calls. They eat mealworms, waxworms, and small crickets. Extremely rare within the hobby. This frog rapidly taps its feet when stalking prey. When you buy a frog from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Red Eye Tree Frog
$39.99 – $99.99
- Species:Â Agalychnis callidryas
- Origin: Field Collected
- Size: 1-3 Inches. Adults reaching up to 3.5 inches
- Natural Range: Tropical lowlands of Southern Mexico, Central America, and South America
- Food: Crickets and various insects
- Lifespan: Up to 5-15 years in captivity with proper care and setup
Rubber Banded Frog
We are offering several Rubber Banded frogs at a very reasonable price. This African species has rubbery skin and loves temperate conditions, thus the name. Approximately 1,500 eggs are laid by females. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
- Species: Oophaga pumilio
- Origin: Field Collected
- Size: Adults reaching up to 1
- Natural Range: Naturally occurring within the rainforests of Central America
- Food:Â Crickets, Fruit flys
- Lifespan: Up to 5-8 years in captivity with proper care and setup
Amazon Milk Frog
$49.99 – $109.99
We are now selling extremely uncommon Amazon Milk frogs at unbeatable pricing. Beautiful in appearance, these frogs thrive in captivity by devouring everything they can force into submission. As adults, they may grow to be nearly four inches long from snout to tail, making them a sizeable specimen. Without a doubt, this is one of the most sought-after frog species worldwide. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Termite Frog
Several of these Termite frogs are quite rare, and we're selling them at an unbeatable price. These frogs, native to South America, are notable for their large appetites and vibrant patterns. In certain places, you could hear them referred to as the Mueller's Narrow-mouthed frog. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Dyeing Poison Dart Frog
We are offering a small selection of stunning Dyeing Poison Dart frogs at rock-bottom pricing. Some of the world's most stunning amphibians belong to this group. When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Do not overlook the addition of isopods to your terrarium in order to make it alive.
Whites Tree Frog
$4.99 – $69.99
- Species:Â Litoria caerulea
- Origin: Field Collected
- Size: Approximately 3-4 inches in length
- Natural Range: Australia and New Guinea
- Food: Crickets and various insects
- Lifespan: Up to 10-20 years in captivity with proper care and setup
If you are looking to buy reptile pets online there are competitive pricing factors, you should consider such as shipping. All of our reptiles for sale, supplies and other products ship at the lowest possible price point. We also offer deeply discounted prices on our products and often run promotions to make sure our customers are getting the best deals around. Join our email list and follow us on social media to stay up to date on promotions and new reptile pet arrivals. Follow our daily reptile news for industry happenings, in-depth articles and more. We also publish other information about reptile pets across the web on sites like Quora, Stumbleupon and Tumblr to name a few.
Mexican Fireleg Tarantula For Sale
$39.99 – $109.99
- Species:Â Brachypelma boehemei
- Origin:Â Captive born
- Size:Â 1-2.5 inches
- Natural Range:Â Mexico
- Food: Vitamin dusted crickets, Dubia roaches, and other insects.
- Lifespan: On average 7-12 years in captivity with proper care.
Trinidad Chevron Tarantula
Here's your chance to get a great deal on a Trinidad Chevron tarantula from us. This insectivorous species lives in trees and may grow to a maximum leg span of 5 to 6 inches. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula For Sale
Affordable golden knee tarantulas from the Chaco region are available here, and we raise them in captivity. This huge species (previously known as Grammostola aureostriata) has a reputation for being docile and quiet, making it an excellent choice for a pet tarantula. They make a fantastic exhibition animal because to their propensity for sitting in open areas. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Striped Knee Tarantula For Sale
- Species: Brachypelma albopilosum
- Origin:Â Field Collected
- Size:Â Medium sized/3-6 inches
- Natural Range: Hot and humid climates. Native to Nicaragua & Costa Rica.
- Food: Vitamin dusted crickets, Dubia roaches, and other insects.
- Lifespan:Â Males can live up to 10 years while females can live up to 25.
Venezuelan Sun Tiger Tarantula For Sale
We offer some reasonably priced captive-bred sun tiger tarantulas from Venezuela. This rapidly maturing tree-dweller eventually develops a huge six-inch leg span. Its legs are streaked with a fiery hue, giving it a unique look. They thrive on a captive diet and are simple to care for. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Singapore Blue Tarantula For Sale
- Species:Â Lampropelma violaceopes
- Origin:Â Field Collected
- Size: Adults can get up to 7-9 inches
- Natural Range:Â Hot and humid climates. Native to Malaysia.
- Food: Vitamin dusted crickets, Dubia roaches, and other insects.
- Lifespan:Â Up to 10 years in captivity with proper care.
Ornamental Baboon Tarantula
Here is your chance to get one of our rare Ornamental Baboon tarantulas at a bargain price. These unusual spiders are of a reasonable size despite their elaborate markings. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Brazilian Red and White Tarantula
Captive-bred Brazilian red and white tarantulas are available now for a low, low price. This species is a favorite among pet owners because to its large size, striking appearance, and low maintenance requirements. They can have a leg span of up to 7 inches. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula For Sale
$89.99 – $119.99
- Species:Â Theraphosa stirmi
- Origin:Â Field Collected
- Size: Largest tarantula on earth. Adults can get up to 10-12 inches
- Natural Range:Â Hot and humid climates primarily in the deep rainforests of South America. Including Venezuela, Northern Brazil and Guyana.
- Food:Â Vitamin dusted crickets, dubai roaches, and other insects.
- Lifespan: On average 10-15 years in captivity with proper care.
King Baboon Tarantula
At very reasonable pricing, you may get one of our King Baboon tarantulas. The maximum leg spread for this species is around nine inches, making it comparable in size to the goliath bird-eating tarantula. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Brazilian Black Tarantula For Sale
$89.99 – $119.99
Amazing Brazilian black tarantulas, raised in captivity and now available at bargain pricing. Because of its kind demeanor, this type of tarantula is extremely rare in the United States but highly sought after elsewhere. They turn completely black and are one of the most fascinating pet tarantulas out there. In captivity, they can live for more than 20 years. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every tarantula purchase.
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When thinking of reptilian pets, images of snakes and bearded dragons likely come to mind, leaving the large and herbivor...
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Ball pythons make wonderful pets for those who want an alternative to furrier varieties. While ball pythons may not shed fur, ho...
How big can a corn snake get?
Colubrids are the largest family of snakes with over 249 genera. Among these snakes, the most famous is likely the corn snake. I...