We offer exotic reptiles for sale online at absolute rock-bottom prices, which means we make these fascinating animals available to you affordably as pets, or even to start your own reptile breeding project. We are reptile enthusiasts who believe captive breeding is integral to the future of the market, as it not only helps protect wild herp populations, but is an incredibly rewarding experience that tends to intensify one's passion for these amazing prehistoric creatures. Whether you buy a snake, lizard, turtle, tortoise, or alligator, we are driven to provide the highest quality live reptiles for sale.
Big Eye Tree Frog
Big Head Anole

Black Albino Motley Corn Snake for Sale
Buy Black Albino Motley Corn Snake Elaphe g. guttata
We have a few perfect captive-bred Black Albino Motley Corn snakes for sale at affordable prices. When you buy a snake from us, you receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Black and White California King Snake for Sale
Buy Black and White California King Snake Lampropeltis g. californiae
We have some beautiful captive-bred Black and White California King snakes for sale at very low prices, with a variety of sizes. These are exceptional colubrids. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Black and White Kenyan Sand Boa for Sale
Black and White Kenyan Sand Boa Eryx c. loveridgei
We have some captive bred Black and White Kenyan Sand boas for sale. These unique are uniquely-colored snakes that make excellent pet reptiles. When you buy a boa from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Black Beauty Sugar Glider For Sale
Buy Black Beauty Sugar Glider Online

Black Blood Python for Sale
Buy Black Blood Python Python curtus
We have some beautiful captive-bred Black Blood Pythons for sale at the lowest prices anywhere. This heavy-bodied asian species attains a length of 5' to 8'. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Black Capped Conure
- Size: 10 inches
- Lifespan: up to 30 years
- Bird Species: Conure
- Colors: Green; black details
- Sounds: Quiet, Natural calls
- Interaction: Social, Smart, Energetic, Affectionate, Fun, Friendly, Docile
- Comparable Breeds: Mitred Conure, Green Cheeked Conure
Black Dragon Water Monitor

Black Knobbed Map Turtle for Sale
Buy Black Knobbed Map Turtle Graptemys nigrinoda
We have flawless captive bred Black Knobbed Map turtles for sale at the internet's lowest prices. Also called the Black Knobbed Sawback turtle, these are some truly unique-looking reptiles, with defined black knobs protruding from the top of their carapace. They are heavily protected, which is why you will rarely see them available. When you buy a map turtle from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Black Necked Garter Snake
Black Palm Cockatoo
- Size: 24 inches
- Lifespan: 50-90 years
- Bird Species: Cockatoo
- Colors: Black with red cheeks
- Sounds: Vocal, Loud, Mimicking
- Interaction: Affectionate, Intelligent, Playful, Territorial, Temperamental
- Comparable Breeds: Eclectus Parrot, Hawk-Headed Parrot