Showing 421–432 of 625 results

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Noble Macaw

DESCRIPTION Noble Macaw’s are native to South America. These little guys have a big personality in a mini-macaw body. What
Normal Corn Snake For Sale

Normal Corn Snake For Sale


Buy Normal Corn Snake Online

Nuclear Pinstripe Ball Python For Sale

Nuclear Pinstripe Ball Python For Sale


Buy Nuclear Pinstripe Ball Python Online

Oak Toad For Sale

Oak Toad

We are selling a small number of Oak Toads at rock-bottom pricing. These amphibians are tiny and retain a distinguishing stripe down their back. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every toad purchase.

Ocellated Uromastyx for Sale


Ocellated Uromastyx Uromastyx ocellatus

We have a few stunning field-collected Ocellated Uromastyx for sale at unbeatably low prices. These lizards have ornate designs covering their bodies, and attain a medium size. They are also referred to as the Sudanese uromastyx. When you buy a uro from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Olive Keeled Flat Rock Scorpion For Sale

Olive Keeled Flat Rock Scorpion

At this time, we have a number of Olive Keeled Flat Rock scorpions for sale at deeply discounted rates. Females are shorter than males, yet both sexes of this invertebrate are the longest scorpions on Earth. Their flat bodies enable them to squeeze into tight spaces. When you purchase a scorpion from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.
Omani Uromastyx For Sale

Omani Uromastyx

A couple of our captive-bred Omani uromastyx for sale are currently available for purchase at rock-bottom pricing. In spite of its rarity, this herbivorous species thrives in captivity and may grow to a length of about 10 inches when fully grown. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every single purchase.
Orange Baboon Tarantula For Sale

Orange Baboon Tarantula



  • Species: Pterinochilus murinus
  • Origin: Captive born
  • Size: 2-3 inches
  • Natural Range: Africa
  • Food: Vitamin dusted crickets, Dubia roaches, and other insects.
  • Lifespan: On average 7-12 years in captivity with proper care.
At extremely reasonable prices, we offer Orange Baboon tarantulas that have been reared in captivity. As its other name, "Orange Bitey Thing," suggests, this species is noted for its aggressive nature. They may go as long as six inches in length, reach a stunning shade of orange, and are known for their penchant for burrowing. Extremely dangerous spider, by far the worst we've seen. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Orange Headed Gecko For Sale

Orange Headed Gecko

Here you'll find the most reasonably priced Orange-headed geckos on the web. Beautiful in appearance, these iguanas may be found across the Caribbean. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.
Buy Orange Winged Amazon Parrot For Sale Online

Orange Winged Amazon

  • Size: 13 inches
  • Lifespan: up to 80 years
  • Bird Species: Amazon Parrot
  • Sounds: Vocal, Loud natural calls, Talkative, Mimics
  • Interaction: Social, Affectionate, Fun, Friendly, Playful
  • Comparable Breeds: Double Yellow Headed AmazonAfrican Grey Parrot
Ornamental Baboon Tarantula For Sale

Ornamental Baboon Tarantula

Here is your chance to get one of our rare Ornamental Baboon tarantulas at a bargain price. These unusual spiders are of a reasonable size despite their elaborate markings. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.
Ornate Box Turtle For Sale | In Stock Now - Exotic Pet Reptiles For Sale

Ornate Box Turtle



We have some beautiful Ornate Box turtles that were raised in captivity and are for sale at very low prices. This hardy land-dwelling species has been a popular pet reptile for many years because of their great personalities and overall fun level. When you buy a turtle from us, you get our 100% guarantee that it will arrive alive. Don't forget to get your new turtle some of our very healthy turtle food. We can also help you get the best supplies for your turtle.  
  • SpeciesTerrapene ornata ornata
  • Origin: Captive Bred
  • Size: Larger than a quarter
  • Natural Range: Great Plains of the United States
  • Food: Turtle pellets
  • Lifespan: Up to 25+ years in captivity with proper care