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Pinstripe Ball Python For Sale | In Stock Now, Don't Miss - Exotic Pet Reptiles For Sale

Pinstripe Ball Python


Python Specifications

Species: Python regius Weight: Approximately 60-150 grams Diet: Live and Frozen/Thawed Medium Mice We have a few Pinstripe Ball Pythons that were raised in captivity and are for sale at very low prices. These morphs are very pretty. If you order one of these snakes, you can see for yourself why this species is so popular. When you buy a snake from us, you get our 100% guarantee that it will arrive alive.
Pinstripe Leopard Gecko For Sale

Pinstripe Leopard Gecko

Here at Animal Habitat, we offer some fantastic Pinstripe Leopard geckos for sale at bargain pricing. Amazing geckos with asymmetrical striping patterns along their backs, perfect as pets or in breeding programs. Raising kids from infancy onwards is full of pleasant surprises, as their individual patterns become more apparent as they develop. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.
Piura Bird Eater Tarantula For Sale

Piura Bird Eater Tarantula For Sale


Buy Piura Bird Eater Tarantula Online

Pixie Frog For Sale

Pixie Frog



  • Species: Pyxicephalus adspersus
  • Origin: Captive born
  • Size: Approximately 2-3 inches in length. Adults reaching up to 10 inches and as much as 4 pounds.
  • Natural Range: Africa
  • Food: Small feeder fish, small rodents, and crickets
  • Lifespan: Up to 8 years in captivity with proper care
We provide reasonably priced Pixie frogs that have been produced in captivity. You may rest certain that the genetic quality of our frogs is second to none since we obtain them straight from The Frog Ranch. This African amphibian is a genuine monster with its maximum weight of almost five pounds. This species, which is also known as the African Giant Bullfrog, has a wide diet and develops rapidly. What a magnificent specimen! When you purchase a frog from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.

Plated Lizard for Sale


Buy Plated Lizard Gerrhosaurus major

We have some classic Plated lizards for sale. This species has the potential to become extremely tame and will consume a wide variety of plant and animal material. They make fine reptile pets, one of our favorites! When you buy a lizard from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Praying Mantis For Sale

Praying Mantis

Praying mantids are available from us at cheap prices. These magnificent mantids, which may grow to a length of three inches, are easy to work with. Their aptly named "folded arms" serve as a visual aid up to 60 feet away. They eat a wide variety of insects including crickets and flies, and have even been known to kill and eat hummingbirds. We promise that your mantis will arrive alive and well every time you order one from us.
Praying Mantis Egg Case For Sale

Praying Mantis Egg Case For Sale

We now sell Chinese Praying Mantis egg cases (also known as a "ootheca"). As many as 250 young mantids may be hatched from a single egg case, so you'll have enough to feed your reptiles and amphibians. Chameleons can't get enough of them. You may put the egg case in the fridge until you're ready to hatch the eggs. After birth, the infants reach a size of around 1/4 inch and thrive on fruit flies or tiny crickets. They can develop to a length of roughly 3 inches if given enough time. Totally free delivery! We provide a 100% live arrival guarantee on every Mantis egg case we sell.

Prehensile Tailed Porcupine

  • Coendou prehensilis
  • Field Collected
  • Adults Can Grown Up To 40 – 55 Inches In Length And 24 Inches Tall
  • These Are Flighty But Not Aggressive, Best For Experienced Handlers
  • Feeding On Root Vegetables, Flowers, Leaves And Vegetable Shoots


  • Native To Central And South America Ranging From Ecuador To Colombia, Brazil And Guyana
  • Most Of This Species Length Is Its Prehensile Tail Which It Uses To Help Climb Trees And Balance
  • Small Species Of Arboreal Porcupine
  • With Proper Care And Setup These Can Live 20 – 25 Years In Captivity
Pueblan Milk Snake For Sale

Pueblan Milk Snake

Perfect Pueblan milk snake for sale, raised in captivity from the lowest costs you'll find elsewhere, are now available for purchase from us. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost with every snake purchase.
Pumpkin Patch Tarantula For Sale

Pumpkin Patch Tarantula For Sale

Below market price, we have several captive-bred Pumpkin patch tarantulas available now. Beautifully colored and thriving in captivity, this tiny Columbian variety is a sight to behold. Their enormous growth rates can be partially attributed to their practically unparalleled appetites. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a tarantula from us.

Purple Tegu



  • Salvator rufescens x Salvator merianae
  • Captive Bred
  • Males And Females Available
  • Approximately 8-10 Inches From Head To Tail
  • Adults Growing On Average To 3 – 4 Feet In Length
  • Babies Are Feeding On Crickets, Super Worms, Hornworms, And Roaches. Also Including Cut Up Gizzards, And A Bit Of Ground Turkey
Pygmy Chameleon for Sale

Pygmy Chameleon

Little Pygmy chameleons are now available. African in origin, these lizards grow to a maximum size of around 4 centimeters. Because of their small size, they give the impression of being funny. They multiply rapidly and thrive on tiny insects for food. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.