We offer exotic reptiles for sale online at absolute rock-bottom prices, which means we make these fascinating animals available to you affordably as pets, or even to start your own reptile breeding project. We are reptile enthusiasts who believe captive breeding is integral to the future of the market, as it not only helps protect wild herp populations, but is an incredibly rewarding experience that tends to intensify one's passion for these amazing prehistoric creatures. Whether you buy a snake, lizard, turtle, tortoise, or alligator, we are driven to provide the highest quality live reptiles for sale.
Pygmy Squirrel / African Dormouse, almost solid white tail, pied
Buy Pied African Pygmy Squirrel Online
Common Name: Pygmy Squirrels, aka African Dormice Scientific Name: Graphiurus Murinus General Information: African Pygmy Dormice originate from southern and eastern Africa. These small nocturnal animals can make great pets if socialized from early on. They are small, very active rodents and can be very social once bonded with. The average lifespan is 4 - 6 years old! Diet: We feed a mixture of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and insects. Permit: No permit is needed for Florida residents. Not legal in Alabama.
Rain Frog for Sale
Buy Mozambique Rain Frog Breviceps mossambicus
We have a few ultra rare Rain frogs for sale in limited quantities. This frog is a masterpiece of comical uniqueness, with it’s hilarious movement and squeaking calls. They eat mealworms, waxworms, and small crickets. Extremely rare within the hobby. This frog rapidly taps its feet when stalking prey. When you buy a frog from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Rainbow Uromastyx

Red Blood Python for Sale
Buy Red Blood Python Python brongersmai
We have some striking captive-bred Red Blood Pythons for sale at incredible prices. These reptiles attain considerable length and have amazing coloration. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Red Eared Slider Turtle
Specifications ( Red Eared Slider Turtle For Sale )
- Species: Trachemys scripta elegans
- Origin: Captive Bred in the US
- Size: Adults reach up to 6-11 inches
- Natural Range: Southern United States and Northern Mexico
- Food: Pellets, crickets, krill, and greens
- Lifespan: Up to 25 years in captivity with proper care
Red Eye Tree Frog
- Species: Agalychnis callidryas
- Origin: Field Collected
- Size: 1-3 Inches. Adults reaching up to 3.5 inches
- Natural Range: Tropical lowlands of Southern Mexico, Central America, and South America
- Food: Crickets and various insects
- Lifespan: Up to 5-15 years in captivity with proper care and setup
Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
Red Foot Tortoise
We have a few Red Foot tortoises that were raised in captivity and are for sale at crazy low prices. The front legs of this South American reptile have beautiful red spots. When you buy a tortoise from us, you get our 100% guarantee that it will arrive alive. Don't forget to get your new pet some of our very healthy tortoise food.- Species: Chelonoidis carbonaria
- Origin: Field Collected
- Size: Adults reaching between 12-16 inches
- Natural Range: South America. Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname
- Food: Fresh vegetables
- Lifespan: Up to 50 years in captivity with proper care
Red Front Macaw
Red Headed Agama
Red Iguana
With our incredibly low pricing, you can get many Red iguana for sale. These stunning lizards have been safely grown in captivity. As adults, they are among the most visually striking lizards due to their striking reddish coloring, which can vary from animal to animal. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included with every lizard purchase. We also have green iguanas and blue iguanas available.- Species: Iguana iguana
- Origin: Captive Born Babies
- Size: Adults reaching up to 36-48 inches
- Natural Range: El Salvadore
- Food: Dark leafy greens
- Lifespan: Up to 15-20 years in captivity with proper care and setup