Live Isopods For Sale
Live Isopods For Sale Sizes
All of the orders in which you find our isopods will include members of a range of ages, from juveniles to adults.
Why Live Isopods?
Isopods, often known as rollie pollies or pill bugs, are harmless soft-bodied insects that thrive in a terrarium’s environment and do an excellent job of cleaning the enclosure by eating debris and other decomposing material. In addition to being the most efficient garbage men money can buy, dart frogs and other tiny reptiles like geckos eat them. Isopods are so intriguing that some people keep them as pets.
We can swiftly populate your animal’s cage with a new generation of isopods. The most comfortable temperature range is 70°F to 85°F. They are quite active, pose no threat to your herps, and can’t bite. They’ll never leave the substrate, where they’ll spend their whole lives. Any terrarium would benefit greatly from having them.
Why Buy Isopods in Bulk?
We only sell isopods that have been produced successfully in captivity by elite breeding colonies. You may get started with as little as 10 and save each isopod if you order 50 to kickstart your own colony.
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