We offer exotic reptiles for sale online at absolute rock-bottom prices, which means we make these fascinating animals available to you affordably as pets, or even to start your own reptile breeding project. We are reptile enthusiasts who believe captive breeding is integral to the future of the market, as it not only helps protect wild herp populations, but is an incredibly rewarding experience that tends to intensify one's passion for these amazing prehistoric creatures. Whether you buy a snake, lizard, turtle, tortoise, or alligator, we are driven to provide the highest quality live reptiles for sale.

High White California King Snake for Sale
Buy High White California King Snake Lampropeltis g. californiae
We have some awesome captive-bred High White California King snakes for sale at really low prices. These are spectacular colubrids. When you buy a snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.High White Red Tegu
- Salvator rufescens
- Captive Bred
- Males And Females Available
- Approximately 10 – 14 Inches
- Adults Growing On Average To 3 – 4 Feet In Length
- Feeding on Crickets, Worms, Cut Up Chicken Gizzards And Ground Turkey With Vitamin Supplements
Hog Island Boa

Home’s Hingeback Tortoise for Sale
Buy Home's Hingeback Tortoise Kinixys homeana
We have a few beautiful Home's Hingeback tortoises for sale at incredibly low prices. These reptiles are aptly named as they can close the back section of their shells. This species is strong and does very well in captivity. When you buy a tortoise from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Honduran Milk Snake
We have some beautiful Honduran milk snakes that have been raised in captivity and are now available for the lowest prices anywhere on the web. These stunning creatures from Central America may grow to be five feet in length and live for up to twenty. When you purchase a milk snake from us, you can rest assured that it will arrive alive and well.- Species: Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis
- Origin: Captive Born in the United States
- Size: Adults can reach up to 6ft.
- Natural Range: Honduras
- Food: Pinkies/mice
- Lifespan: Up to 20 years in captivity with proper care.
Hyacinth Macaw
- Size: up to 3.3 feet
- Lifespan: 50-60+ years
- Bird Species: Parrot; Macaw
- Colors: Cobalt Blue; yellow details
- Sounds: Vocal, Mimicking, Talkative
- Interaction: Social, Kind, Affectionate, Playful
- Comparable Breeds: Blue Headed Parrot, Blue and Gold Macaw

Hypo Motley Corn Snake for Sale
Buy Hypo Motley Corn Snake Elaphe g. guttata
We have some perfect captive-bred Hypo Motley Corn snakes for sale at amazing prices. This species makes an excellent pet reptile. When you buy a snake from us, you receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.
Hypo Upper Keys Corn Snake for Sale
Buy Hypo Upper Keys Corn Snake Elaphe g. guttata
We have some fantastic captive-bred Hypo Upper Keys Corn snakes for sale at incredible prices. This species makes an excellent pet reptile. When you buy a snake from us, you receive our 100% live arrival guarantee.Illiger’s Macaw
Impressed Tortoise
Indonesian Box Turtle
We have some of the best prices on the market for popular Indonesian Box turtles. This species, which is also called the Asian box turtle, stays small. Adults only get to be 4-5 inches long. Like their relatives in North America, they can close their hinged shells. When you buy a turtle from us, you get our 100% guarantee that it will arrive alive. Don't forget to get your new turtle some of our very healthy turtle food. We can also help you get the best supplies for your turtle.- Species: Cuora ambonesis kamaroma
- Origin: Field Collected. Sumatran Locality.
- Size: Adults reaching 5-7 inches
- Natural Range: Native to Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia
- Food: Crickets, worms, and greens
- Lifespan: Up to years 40-60 in captivity with proper care