We offer exotic reptiles for sale online at absolute rock-bottom prices, which means we make these fascinating animals available to you affordably as pets, or even to start your own reptile breeding project. We are reptile enthusiasts who believe captive breeding is integral to the future of the market, as it not only helps protect wild herp populations, but is an incredibly rewarding experience that tends to intensify one's passion for these amazing prehistoric creatures. Whether you buy a snake, lizard, turtle, tortoise, or alligator, we are driven to provide the highest quality live reptiles for sale.

Leucistic Sugar Glider For Sale
Buy Leucistic Sugar Glider Online
Common Name: Sugar Gliders Scientific Name: Petaurus Breviceps General Information: Sugar Gliders originate from the rainforests of Australia and Indonesia. They are nocturnal animals. The average lifespan is 12 - 15 years. Adult size is approximately 6.3" - 7.5" plus tail. Sugar Gliders must bond with you, however, once they do it's for life! Sugar Gliders do best in pairs or colonies so we highly suggest two! Be sure to watch the vid above to learn about their husbandry needs! Diet: We feed Exotic Nutrition Sugar Glider Diet, monkey biscuits, fresh fruits, vegetables, and yogurt. We supplement with Sugar Glider Booster, a multi vitamin supplement. Price: Normally, $799.99 SALE PRICE, $599.99 Permit: No permit is needed for Florida, Alabama, or most other states!Libyan Striped Weasel
- “Libyan Striped Weasel”
- Ictonyx libycus
- Farm Bred
- Males And Females Available
- Females Are Proven Breeders
- Approximately 20 – 24 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
- Adults Are Ranging In Length From 20 – 24 Inches From Head To Tail
- Feeding On Small Rodents (Ready To Move Over To Packaged Diet)
- Indigenous To Southern Africa Ranging From DRC, Kenya, And As Far South As South Africa
- With Proper Care This Species Can Live 5 – 7 Years In Captivity
- Used To Living In Savannah Styled Habitats And Scrubland These Are Well Established Little Critters
- Gorgeous Animals Coming With Black And White Fur Looking Like An Adorable Long Skunk
Lilac Crowned Amazon
Live Feeder Crickets For Sale
Live Harvester Ants For Sale
Live Isopods For Sale
Live Stick Insects For Sale
Mack Snow Leopard Gecko
Leopard Gecko Mack Snow Specifications
Low-priced Mack Snow Leopard geckos available here are the result of our breeding program in captivity. This morph is great as a pet and may be bred for entertainment. It's no surprise that the offspring of two Mack snows would be an amazing mutation worthy of the name "Super Snow." Feeding them a diet of mealworms and crickets makes these lizards quite manageable to maintain as pets. Our 100% live arrival guarantee is included at no extra cost when you purchase a lizard from us.- Species: Eublepharis Macularius
- Origin: Captive Bred
- Size: Adults reaching between 8-10 inches
- Natural Range: Dry and rocky terrain. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India
- Food: Vitamin dusted crickets & mealworms
- Lifespan: Up to 10- 20 to years in captivity with proper care
Madagascar Hissing Roaches For Sale
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
- Size: 14 inches
- Lifespan: up to 80 years
- Bird Species: Cockatoo
- Colors: Pink & white
- Sounds: Vocal, Mimics, Natural calls
- Interaction: Social, Affectionate, Fun, Energetic
- Comparable Breeds: Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Moluccan Cockatoo