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Ebony Chinchilla For Sale
$250.00 – $300.00
White Violet Chinchilla For Sale
Buy White Violet Chinchilla Online
White Violets are homozygous for violet on white and like mosaics they can be pure white or have lots of markings.
Category: Chinchillas for Sale
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A lovely bright blue cross expressing both violet and sapphire. There are two names used in association with it; one is Viophire the other is Blue Diamond. As of 2014 there are two lines of Blue Diamonds in the United States. One line is from Denmark and the other originated from Ronda's Chinchillas. The Denmark lines tend to be mixed with German violet called a 'Triple Diamond' and are often much darker in coloration. The U.S. lines are a mich brighter silvery color and are only Sullivan Violet and Sapphire. Some babies are born very brightly colored but usually darken with age. We have babies from both lines of Blue Diamond chinchillas for sale as well as violet, sapphire, and standard carriers. You are welcome to contact us at to see if we have anything available.Chinchilla
- Chinchilla lanigera
- Captive Bred
- Females Available
- Originating From The Andes Mountains Of Northern Chile
- Females Will Give Birth To Babies Or “kits” Twice A Year In Liters Of 1 To 6 At A Time
- Chinchilla’s Teeth Never Stop Growing So Make Sure To Provide Safe Treats And Toys That They Can Gnaw On
- These Are Beautiful Mammals Covered In Dark Fur That Is Soft To The Touch
- These Animals Take Dust Baths To Remove Oils From Their Fur
- Very Active Crepuscular And Nocturnal Foragers Feeding On Chinchilla Pellets, Timothy And Alfalfa Hay
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A Dark Tan rarely happens with a first generation Ebony x Beige cross. They are often the result of several generations of ebony breeding. A true chocolate looks like its name. So far as I have seen there are two ways tans approach adult color, one type fades (lighter or darker) and the other type gets spots.Baby Chinchilla For Sale
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White Ebony Chinchilla For Sale
Buy Ebony White Chinchilla Online
Ebony white is the same thing as white ebony, it doesn't matter how you say it. Genetically they are a mosaic (standard x white) with ebony added. Most often a kit will be born darkly marked and fade to white as it ages though some are born pure white. I have lines that are born light and darken with age, they never stay the same color as they are born so if you want a particular pattern or color for breeding it is best to purchase an adult.Brown Velvet Chinchilla For Sale
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